SV Restless


Cutting one of the hull plates with oxy/acetylene. This was before the days of plasma. Using the gantry, I could muscle one plate off the stack with the electric crane or a come along, get it standing up, then hang it vertically and move it into position on the boat, beating on it, pulling with come alongs, c-clamps, and or 1/2" threaded rod welded to the inside... whatever it took. I welded tabs where needed on the outside to hold it in place, pulled it in, marked it with soapstone, then took it down, cut it with the torch, ground the cut edge, and hung it back up again. The plates were either 4' x 8' or 5' x 10' depending on where they were going, and I could get one tacked home on a good day working alone. I couldn't have done it without the rolling gantry and borrowed 1 ton electric hoist. Next